Husqvarna Automower® 520 EPOS™
Robotic mower with virtual boundaries for green areas up to 5000 m²
Husqvarna Automower® 520 EPOS™ is a robotic mower designed for commercial fleet use and a sibling model to the well-established Automower® 550 EPOS. It features Husqvarna EPOS™ with virtual boundaries instead of physical wires, allowing you to define several work areas with different settings and set temporary stay-out zones. Thanks to the systematic mowing pattern, Automower® 520 EPOS™ can handle green areas of up to 5000 m². The mower also navigates easily in narrow passages and manages slopes up to 45% (24°) with perfect cutting results – even in rainy conditions. EPOS™ RS5 Reference Station required.
- Husqvarna EPOS Technology
- EPOS guidance
- Husqvarna Fleet Services™
- Pro user interface
- Warning lights
- FOTA – Firmware Over-The-Air
- appDrive - driving by remote
- Selectable mowing pattern
- Electric height adjustment - PATENTED
- Weather timer
- Manages slopes up to 45%
- Flexible charging station placement
- Unique cutting system
- 5 blade cutting disc
- Balance control
- Front bumper
- Theft protection by GPS
- Reliability
- Silent
- Theft protection by alarm/PIN code
- Automatic charging
- Scheduling
- Lift & Tilt sensors
- Weather proof